
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chagiga 1 Quiz

  1. Who is not required to go to the Beit Hamiqdash each regel holiday and bring the re'iyah offering?
  2. According to Beit Shammai, at what age is a child required to go to the Beit Hamiqdash each regel holiday?
  3. According to Beit Hillel, what age is it?
  4. What kind of offering is the re'iyah offering? The chagiga?
  5. According to Beit Shammai, what is the minimum one must spend on the re'iyah offering? On the chagiga offering?
  6. According to Beit Hillel, what is the minimum one must spend on the re'iyah offering? On the chagiga offering?
  7. On Chol Hamo'ed, for which holiday offering may one use a ma'aser animal (or one bought with ma'aser money), and for which must one use only a non-holy animal?
  8. According to Beit Shammai, can a ma'aser animal be brought as a chagiga on the first day of the holiday? According to Beit Hillel?
  9. What categories of offerings may a yisrael (non-cohen) use to satisfy the obligation of "shalmei simcha"?
  10. What categories of offerings may a cohen use to satisfy the obligation of "shalmei simcha"? Which may he explicitly not use?
  11. Four categories of people are to bring different quantities of olot and shlamim on the regel. What are the categories, and what are the quantities?
  12. If one failed to bring a chagiga offering on the first day of the regel, when may he bring it, and when may he not?
  13. What verse is used to support this point?
  14. Who are the two R. Shimons who dispute the interpretation of this verse?
  15. What is the interpretation of the first?
  16. What is the interpretation of the second?
  17. What kind(s) of halachot have no (clear) basis in the Written Law?
  18. What kind(s) of halachot have a very small basis in the Written Law? 
  19. What expression is used to express this fact?
  20. What kind(s) of halachot have a clear and complete basis in the Written Law?

1 comment:

  1. 1. A deaf-mute, a crazy person, a minor, a tumtum, an androgyne, women, unfreed servants, a gimp, a blind person, an ill person, an old person, and anyone who cannot walk up to the Beit Hamiqdash himself.
    2. Once he is able to be carried on his father's shoulders up to the Beit Hamiqdash.
    3. Once he can walk holding his father's hand up to the Beit Hamiqdash.
    4. The re'iyah is an olah (burnt offering) and the chagiga is a shlamim (peace offering, which is eaten).
    5. Re'iyah: 2 silver pieces, Chagiga: 1 silver piece.
    6. Re'iyah: 1 silver piece, Chagiga: 2 silver pieces.
    7. One may use ma'aser for a chagiga, but only a chulin animal for a re'iyah offering.
    8. Beit Shammai: No. Beit Hillel: Yes.
    9. Vows (nedarim), free-will offerings (nedavot), and animal tithes (ma'aser behemah).
    10. Sin offerings (chata'ot), guilt offerings (ashamot), first-borns (bechorot), the chest (chazeh), and the foreleg (shoq). He may not use fowl or grain (mincha) offerings.
    11. Poorer people with larger families should bring many shlamim but few olot; richer people with smaller families should bring many olot but few shlamim, poorer people with smaller families may bring the minimum amount (1 and 2 silver pieces worth), and rich people with large families should bring as much as they can.
    12. One may bring the chagiga during Chol Hamo'ed and on the last day of the regel. If not, the opportunity has been lost and the offering cannot be brought.
    13. Me'uvat lo yuchal litqon, vechesron lo yuchal lehimanot - a twisted thing cannot be fixed, and a lack cannot be replaced.
    14. R. Shimon ben Menasya and R. Shimon bar Yochai.
    15. It refers to someone who had illicit relations which produced a mamzer.(R. Shimon ben Menasya)
    16. It refers to a Torah scholar who leaves the Torah. (R. Shimon bar Yochai)
    17. Heter nedarim (release from vows).
    18. Laws of Shabbat, the chagiga offering, and me'ila (trespass of holy things).
    19. Mountains hanging from a hair.
    20. Monetary law (dinim), sacrificial offerings (avodot), purifications (taharot), pollutions (tum'ot), and sexual offenses (arayot).
