Chagiga 2 Quiz
Quiz for Chapter 2 of Tractate Chagiga
- What is not taught to three or more people at once?
- What is not taught to two or more people at once?
- What is not taught to anyone directly?
- How can it be taught, and to whom?
- What four things should not be investigated by anyone?
- What is the issue that one must be concerned with, or else it were better he were never born?
- Who are the first pair of zugot, and what did they hold about leaning on offerings (semicha) on yom tov?
- Who are the second pair, and what did they hold?
- Who are the third pair, and what did they hold?
- Who are the fourth pair, and what did they hold?
- Who are the fifth pair, and what did they hold?
- Who was replaced by whom, and what did the resulting pair hold?
- Which member of each pair was the nasi and which the av bet din?
- Does one bring voluntary shelamim on yom tov, according to Bet Shammai? According to Bet Hillel?
- Does one bring individual olot (re'iya) on yom tov, according to Bet Shammai? According to Bet Hillel?
- If Shavuot is on Friday, when are re'iya offerings brought, according to Bet Shammai? According to Bet Hillel?
- If Shavuot is on Shabbat, when are re'iya offerings brought, according to Bet Shammai? According to Bet Hillel?
- What is special about that day, and why?
- For what three categories of food must one wash hands (netilat yadaim) if they are tamei?
- For what category of food must one dip one's hands in a mikva if they are tamei?
- For what category of food must one go to a mikva, even if only one's hands became tamei?
- What is the order of importance of holiness categories of foods, from lesser to greater?
- Does tevila require intention, and what are the implications (regarding eating holy foods)?
- What are the rules regarding implicit impurity of clothes of different categories of people?
- Which rule is missing from the Mishna and added back in by the Gemara?
- What about Yosef ben Yoezer's hand towel?
- What about Yochanan ben Gudgoda's hand towel?
ReplyDelete1. The detailed laws of arayot (illicit relationships).
2. Ma'asei Bereshit - the laws of physics and how the world was created.
3. Merkava - the science of spiritual reality.
4. It can only be taught by hints and parables, and only to someone who has the knowledge and wisdom to understand it on his own (chacham umevin mida'ato).
5. What is above (the sky), what is below (the earth), what was before (creation), and what will be after (the end of days).
6. One must be concerned with the honor of his Creator. Per the Rambam, this means to respect the power and the limits of his own rational mind (sechel).
7. Yosef b. Yoezer said not to lean, Yosef b. Yochanan said to lean.
8. Yehoshua b. Perachia said not to lean, Nitai haArbeli said to lean.
9. Yehuda b. Tabai said not to lean, Shimon b. Shetach said to lean.
10. Shemaya said to lean, Avtalyon said not to lean.
11. Hillel and Menachem didn't disagree.
12. Menachem left (to serve the king) and Shammai replaced him. Hillel said to lean, Shammai said not to lean.
13a. Nesi'im: Yosef b. Yoezer, Yehoshua b. Perachia, Yehuda b. Tabai, Shemaya, Hillel.
13b. Avot Bet Din: Yosef b. Yochanan, Nitai haArbeli, Shimon b. Shetach, Avtalyon, Menachem, Shammai.
14. Bet Shammai: Bring shelamim but do not lean on them. Bet Hillel: Bring shelamim and lean on them.
15. Bet Shammai: No individual olot. Bet Hillel: Individual olot.
16. Bet Shammai: Sunday (yom tevoach). Bet Hillel: Friday (yom tov).
17. Sunday according to everyone.
18. The Kohen Gadol does not serve in his special clothes, and eulogies and fasts are permitted, to make it clear that Shavuot is not specifically on Sunday (as some sectarians maintained).
19. Chulin (bread), maaser (bread or fruit), and terumah.
20. Kodesh (bread or meat).
21. For a chat'at.
22. Chulin, Maaser, Terumah, Kodesh, Chat'at.
23. Tevila requires intention for the level of purity required. Tevila for the sake of eating a lesser holiness of food does not enable one to eat a higher holiness of food. Tevila without intending to become purified doesn't purify at all.
24. An ignoramus's clothing impurifies a parush. A parush's clothing impurifies one from eating terumah. A terumah-eater's clothing impurifies one from eating kodesh.
25. A parush's clothing impurifies one from eating maaser. A maaser-eater's clothing impurifies one from eating terumah.
26. Yosef b. Yoezer ate everything as if it was terumah, so the hand-towel he used when eating would impurify one only from eating kodesh.
27. Yochanan b. Gudgoda ate everything as if it was kodesh, so the hand-towel he used when eating would impurify one only from eating a chat'at.